Winston-E is a responsive powered riser that takes the sit-stand conversation to a whole new level. The next-generation retrofit worksurface with monitor arms is engineered for freedom of movement. This desktop converter offers a dual monitor mount, compact worksurface, and 18″ of effortless height adjustment.
- Easy: Installers can get Winston-E from box to up-and-running in less than 20 minutes. No need to move or replace furniture.
- Ergonomic: Independent movement keeps monitor at a comfortable, ergonomic level.
- Convenient: A compact worksurface fits easily on to smaller desks while still having space for a keyboard, mouse, and storage tray.
Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.
When ordering this item, use this part number: WNSTE-2-CW-270