APG Cash Drawer Spare Till APG VPK-15B-10-BX

APG Cash Drawer Spare Till APG VPK-15B-10-BX


Shipping Weight:  3.35 lbs.

APG Cash Drawer Spare Till APG VPK-15B-10-BX   VPK-15B-10-BX

APG Cash Drawer Spare Till (5 x 8, Canadian Currency, Single Pack) for the V-1616 and 1618


APG Cash Drawer Spare Till APG VPK-15B-10-BX   VPK-15B-10-BX

APG Cash Drawer Spare Till (5 x 8, Canadian Currency, Single Pack) for the V-1616 and 1618

APG Cash Drawer Spare Till APG VPK-15B-10-BX   VPK-15B-10-BX

5 Bill 8 Coin with Adjustable bill and coin widths, fits Vasario 1616 and 1618 size cash drawers.

Till measures 14.2 x 12.65 x 2.4 inch / 361 x 321 x 61 mm

When ordering this item, use this part number: VPK-15B-10-BX