ePadLink VP9840 ePadLink ePad-Ink with IntegriSign Signature Software VP9805
ePadLink VP9840 ePadLink ePad-Ink with IntegriSign Signature Software VP9805

The ePad-ink model VP9805 is ePadLink's most widely-deployed LCD electronic signature capture device and is used worldwide to capture electronic signatures, whether the signing takes place in-branch or in-field. With an LCD screen that lights up when an eSignature is applied or affirmation text displayed, the interactive visual feedback provides an enhanced user experience. Ergonomic and portable, ePad-ink is a best-in-class eSignature solution.
Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.
When ordering this item, use this part number: VP9840