Unytouch U41C-T15DX2 15" USB Resistive TouchScreen with Dual Base and 15" Rear Display, VGA/USB/Power Supply, 75 mm VESA U41CT15DX2
15" Unytouch U41C-T15DX2 USB Resistive TouchScreen with Dual Base and 15" Rear Display, VGA/USB/Power Supply, 75 mm VESA

Experience quality and design in our latest 15” LCD display. Attractive, slim, space saving design of the Econo 15” LCD touch screen incorporates a bright high contrast LCD Display , with wide viewing angles improving image quality. Comes standard with USB touch interface and attractive price point.
Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.
When ordering this item, use this part number: U41C-T15DX2