APG PK-15TA-07-BX APG M-15K-2111 Cash Drawer Replacement Till PK-15TA-07-BX APG M15K2111

APG PK-15TA-07-BX APG M-15K-2111 Cash Drawer Replacement Till PK-15TA-07-BX APG M15K2111


Shipping Weight:  2.85 lbs.

APG Cash Drawer Tills PK-15TA-07-BX   PK15TA07BX APG M-15K-2111

APG Cash Drawer Individual Till (5 Bill, 5 Coin - Fixed) for V1616 and V1618


APG Cash Drawer Tills PK-15TA-07-BX   PK15TA07BX APG M-15K-2111

APG Individual Till (5 Bill, 5 Coin - Fixed) for V1616 and V1618

APG Cash Drawer Tills PK-15TA-07-BX   PK15TA07BX APG M-15K-2111

APG has accessories to compliment the use of your case drawer. An additional Till will help reduce the time it takes to make shift changes. It also provides integrity for each clerk by placing them responsible for their own till. Please note that many accessories will fit more than one type of cash drawer.

When ordering this item, use this part number: PK-15TA-07-BX