Touch Dynamic OUJ8DNNNNNNN Orion Ultra, Intel G3930TE 2.70GHz, 8GB LV RAM, WD 256GB SSD
Touch Dynamic OUJ8DNNNNNNN Orion Ultra, Intel G3930TE 2.70GHz, 8GB LV RAM, WD 256GB SSD, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (64-bit)

The Touch Dynamic Orion Ultra back office PC is equipped to handle point of sale applications more quickly and efficiently than any other Server Class PC on the market. CPU processor options available include the Intel Kaby Lake Series; Intel Celeron G3930TE Dual Core, 2.7 GHz; Intel Dual Core i3-710E, 3.4 GHz; Intel Dual Core i5-7500T, 2.7 GHz; and the Intel Quad Core i7-7700T, 2.9 GHz. Storage options include 2×2.5” STA HDD or SSD. With 9 USB ports, Display Port, VGA, HDMI, and DVI Support, the Orion Ultra provides multiple connectivity options. As so many of our products do, the Orion Ultra’s design with RAID support and Hot Swap, incorporates Touch Dynamic’s belief that key components should be quickly and easily replaceable.
Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.
When ordering this item, use this part number: OUJ8DNNNNNNN