Honeywell OPT78-2983-01 Kit Forklift side mount MTG, MP Compact

Honeywell OPT78-2983-01 Kit Forklift side mount MTG, MP Compact


Shipping Weight:  10.58 lbs.

Datamax O'Neil OPT78-2983-01 Kit Forklift side mount MTG, MP Compact
Non-Cancelable and Non-Returnable


Honeywell OPT78-2983-01 Kit Forklift side mount MTG, MP Compact    OPT78298301

RAM mount kit for MP Compact Mobile. Printer mount kit includes 57.2 mm (2.25 in) RAM mount ball, adapter plate and hardware

Datamax O'Neil OPT78-2983-01 Kit Forklift side mount MTG, MP Compact

The contents of OPT78-2983-01 Forklift Side Mounting, MP Compact are:

Mounting Plate, RAM Unit / Quantity: 1
Washer, M5.3 Exterior tooth lock washer standard / Quantity: 4
Screw, M5x12 Flat HD Soc / Quantity: 4
Screw, M8x20 Flat HD Soc / Quantity: 3
Ram Ball, 3.68 Base with 2.25 Ball / Quantity: 1

This product may also be known as: DMX-OPT78298301

Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.

When ordering this item, use this part number: OPT78-2983-01