Touch Dynamic OF0420UPLUS-T Smart Power Stand-BY UPS with TBF and Smart Ground and Shutdown Software

Touch Dynamic OF0420UPLUS-T Smart Power Stand-BY UPS with TBF and Smart Ground and Shutdown Software


Shipping Weight:  6.50 lbs.

Touch Dynamic OF0420UPLUS-T Smart  Power Stand-BY UPS with TBF and Smart  Ground and Shutdown Software 420VA 210W RJ45/RJ11 8 Receptables (4 Battery+ Power Conditioning and 4 Power Conditioning Only)

Touch Dynamic OF0420UPLUS-T Smart Power Stand-BY UPS with TBF and Smart Ground and Shutdown Software 420VA 210W RJ45/RJ11 8 Receptables (4 Battery+ Power Conditioning and 4 Power Conditioning Only)


Touch Dynamic OF0420UPLUS-T Smart Power Stand-BY UPS with TBF and Smart Ground and Shutdown Software    

Touch Dynamic OF0420UPLUS-T Smart Power Stand-BY UPS with TBF and Smart Ground and Shutdown Software 420VA 210W RJ45/RJ11 8 Receptables (4 Battery+ Power Conditioning and 4 Power Conditioning Only)

Touch Dynamic OF0420UPLUS-T Smart Power Stand-BY UPS with TBF and Smart Ground and Shutdown Software

Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.

When ordering this item, use this part number: OF0420UPLUS-T