HAT Design Works MNPL10-04SB Modular Now Compact Surface Mount with 75/100 MM VESA, 4" Height

HAT Design Works MNPL10-04SB Modular Now Compact Surface Mount with 75/100 MM VESA, 4" Height


Shipping Weight:  1.00 lbs.

HAT Design Works MNPL10-04SB Modular Now Compact Surface Mount with 75/100 MM VESA, 4

HAT Design Works MNPL10-04SB Modular Now Compact Surface Mount with 75/100 MM VESA. 4" Height with Minimal Footprint


HAT Design Works MNPL10-04SB Modular Now Compact Surface Mount with 75/100 MM VESA, 4" Height    MNPL1004SB

HAT Design Works MNPL10-04SB Modular Now Compact Surface Mount with 75/100 MM VESA. 4" Height with Minimal Footprint

HAT Design Works MNPL10-04SB Modular Now Compact Surface Mount with 75/100 MM VESA, 4

  • Flexible: Monitor can be pivoted and turned, or locked in place if desired.
  • Durable: POS mount is made of durable construction and stands up to retail use.
  • Integrated: Sleek cable management system routes cables inside pole.
  • Aesthetic: Modular Now's clean, attractive POS design conveys a quality image straight through the checkout process.
  • Customizable: Support for multiple displays, terminal payment devices, printer trays and alternate mounting options are available.
Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.

Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.

When ordering this item, use this part number: MNPL10-04SB