APG JB480-1A-BL1816-M3 NetPRO Ethernet Cash Drawer, Audible Alert, Black, 18X16, CAN M3

APG JB480-1A-BL1816-M3 NetPRO Ethernet Cash Drawer, Audible Alert, Black, 18X16, CAN M3


Shipping Weight:  27.50 lbs.

APG JB480-1A-BL1816-M3 NetPRO Ethernet Cash Drawer, Audible Alert, Black, 18X16, CAN M3   JB4801ABL1816M3

APG JB480-1A-BL1816-M3 NetPRO Ethernet Cash Drawer, Audible Alert, Black, 18X16, CAN M3


APG JB480-1A-BL1816-M3 NetPRO Ethernet Cash Drawer, Audible Alert, Black, 18X16, CAN M3   JB4801ABL1816M3

APG JB480-1A-BL1816-M3 NetPRO Ethernet Cash Drawer, Audible Alert, Black, 18X16, CAN M3

APG JB480-1A-BL1816-M3 NetPRO Ethernet Cash Drawer, Audible Alert, Black, 18X16, CAN M3   JB4801ABL1816M3

The APG Model 480 Ethernet Interface Cash Drawer is a wired cash drawer requiring a LAN cable connection. We provide an external power adapter for standard, non-PoE subnet topology. This cash drawer can assist retailers in cash control by storing and reporting exceptional events and by opening separate TCP connections with other IP-enabled devices to send status messages.

Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.

When ordering this item, use this part number: JB480-1A-BL1816-M3