DTG DTG-P1-NA-1FM-S0 DTG MPower 3000 LFP Battery System MPower

DTG DTG-P1-NA-1FM-S0 DTG MPower 3000 LFP Battery System MPower


Shipping Weight:  80.00 lbs.

DTG MPower Batteries

DTG MPower 3000 LFP Battery System: 2500Wh Capacity with up to 3000W of Continuous Output Power - External Inverter Needed for AC Output. 5 year warranty.


DTG DTG-P1-NA-1FM-S0 DTG MPower 3000 LFP Battery System mPower    

DTG MPower 3000 LFP Battery System: 2500Wh Capacity with up to 3000W of Continuous Output Power - External Inverter Needed for AC Output. 5 year warranty.

DTG DTG-P1-NA-1FM-S0 DTG mPower 3000 LFP Battery System mPower

This product may also be known as: DTG-DTGP1NA1FMS0

Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.

When ordering this item, use this part number: DTG-P1-NA-1FM-S0