Custom America 93DKZ014200L33 P-Ranger Rugged Handheld, Android 12 GMS, Wi-Fi, 4G/LTE, GPS, BT
Custom America P-Ranger, Android 12 GMS, Wi-Fi, 4G/LTE, GPS, Bluetooth, 5.0 Inch Display 1280x720HD, Camera, IP67, 4G RAM/64GB, 2D Engine (SE4710), 4000mAh

With the Custom P-RANGER handheld computer you can improve the touch computing experience versus consumer grade devices. The management of the Custom P-RANGER is easy and fast thanks to Android which offers a new intuitive platform, guaranteeing an extraordinary user experience. All the business features of the Custom P-RANGER improve the capabilities of employees, maximizing productivity and streamlining workflows. Moreover, the device supports LTE data for both open and closed environments. Choose P-RANGER to offer an advanced and cost-effective solution to your customers!
This product may also be known as: CTM-93DKZ014200L33
Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.
When ordering this item, use this part number: 93DKZ014200L33