Evolis Signature Capture Pads

Evolis Sig Active Signature Capure Pads

Evolis Sig Activ - Color ERT Signature Pad

The Evolis Sig Activ is an high-resolution full color display signature pad with an innovative sensor surface made of special toughened glass. Thanks to Electromagnetic Resonance Technology (ERT) it is suitable for on-screen handwriting and only responsive to the ERT Stylus.

Evolis Signature Capture Pads

Evolis SIG100 Signature Capture Pads

Evolis Sig100 - Monochrome Signature Pad

The Evolis Sig100 is a compact and monochrome signature pad, operating with resistive technology.  Compact and flat, it allows a natural signing experience with its smooth surface.

Evolis Signature Capture Pads

Evolis SIG100Lite Signature Capture Pads

Evolis Sig100 LITE - Signature Pad Without LCD

The Evolis Sig100 LITE is a cost-effective signature pad, without LCD. Instead of the LCD screen, the pad is composed by a special hard-wearing writing surface for precise signature capture. Signature appears in real-time on the computer monitor, but not on the pad. It is the ideal product for applications where customers only need to provide a signature

Evolis Signature Capture Pads

Evolis SIG200 Signature Capture Pad

Evolis Sig200 - Color Signature Pad

The Evolis Sig200 is a powerful signature pad for ultra-ergonomic signing.
Its large and color sensitive display is ideal to optimize the signature process on a
counter or desktop. With its programmable memory, a content can be displayed to show graphics or promotional messages, contributing to improve your company’s brand image.

Evolis Signature Capture Pads

Evolis Signature Capture Pad Parts and Accessories Evolis Parts and Accessories

Evolis Signature Capture Pads